Valleseco township has a significant heritage of traditional rural architecture, linked to farms that are scattered in throughout the territory or in small groups here and there. An excellent example of one of these groups of homes are in Monagas, it's a wonder how their location and their landscape seem to absorbed them. Also interesting due to their isolation is a different group of homes in the district of Valsendero around the areas of Caserón, Zamora or Troyanas.

Valleseco  village itself, as well as being the core of the community, has buildings of considerable aesthetic interest. In this village you can see building with distinctive traditional elements, for examples, the church of La Iglesia de San Vicente Ferrer, which in 1898 was built.  Also the Parque Municipal has stood the test of time without major physical changes contributing to it's preservation.
Other elements that are particularly noticeable are the church of La Iglesia de San Luis Gongaza in Valsendero (1925) and the Chapel of La Ermita de la Silla in Caserón (mid-19th century).