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Valleseco is a lovely green region of Gran Canaria, located  7 kms. center-north of Teror and 28 kms. from the capital. It is formed by two main canyons: Barranco de la Virgen and Barranco de Madrelagua, and a not so "Seco" (dry) central valley ("valle"), for which receives its paradoxical name the town.

At an altitude of 1000m. above sea level, Valleseco often appears wrapped in a "sea of clouds", which helps to bring out it's intense green landscape characteristics.


How to get to Valleseco:

In the bus station of Las Palmas, take the bus number 216 up to Teror and, there, the bus number 220 up to Valleseco

By car, take the road GC 21 up to Teror and Valleseco. Situation in Google Maps