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About the Apple

As someone who lives daily in Valleseco, I want to comment on an innovative initiative which could prove very interesting for the municipality. Valleseco City Council is encouraging the implementation of industries linked to the cultivation and processing of the apple, ie for the production of sidra, compotes, jams, vinegar and brandy. With this initiative we will produce a maximum benefit for our municipality from the abundance of apples in our region.

[The municipality picked a record figure of more than 400,000 pounds this year, which the vast majority were devoted to direct marketing as fresh fruit. ]

The aim of the initiative is to highlight this adundant resource and achieve greater profitability with it. With this in mind, during the month of October, I held a Symposium on Cultivation and manufacturing of the apple in order to encourage economic alternatives for farmers in the area. During the symposium, lectures were given on the development of the sidra (an alcoholic beverage famous in Asturias Spain), apple brandy distillation, and marketing as applied to agricultural products both in terms of quality and practicality, which consisted of learning to prepare dishes with apple, compotes, jams, salads and crepes, as well as sidra.

Accordingly, the farmers comments were pass along by me to the Cabildo Insular (Gran Canaria Island Council), and now in collaboration with the Island Council were are conducting a study of the status of the crop and the characteristics of the apple of Valleseco in order to launch this initiative. Later the City of Valleseco will begin to acquire machinery to produce apple sidra as well as vinegar and make the equipment available to farmers in the municipality. Soon I hope to see Sidra as well as apple jam and other food products with the label "made in Valleseco" so that all our visitors can take home a quality food product as a souvenir from their stay in our town.

Until that time comes, I would like to recommend to our visitors our  restaurants where you can taste dishes with this fruit so typical of the Valleseco municipality. From Los Arcos de La Laguna, we get a delicious apple pancakes, and from the restaurants Valleseco, the Balcon de Zamora, and Santana Brothers musé made from our apples that is simply delicious  after a lunch or dinner dessert.

PLEASE, if someone reading this blog has tried one of our apple dessert do give us your opinion below ...

An ideal time to visit Valleseco is during our Apple Festival (Fiestas de la Manzana), which is held during the month of October and is the most important festival in our town next to San Vicente Ferrer. We started it in 1974 and because of the apple relevance of our region.

As a curiosity, according to chronicles, the apple was introduced here in the year 1858 by then-mayor, Vicente Rodríguez Suárez-who brought in this crop to recover the wasted land of the municipality, and they now occupy large areas due to our favorable weather conditions. Valleseco is now the region of the island with the greatest amount of apple orchards.

This blog's mission is to reflect interesting topics concerning Valleseco and Valleseco tourism for dissemination throughout the world, so that people can get to know our town better and inspire them to come here to enjoy all its charms. We welcome all comments.