Sidra Gran ValleNatural Valle Secreto Cider is made from pippin apples from Valleseco. It is slightly gasified, but this gas is natural and comes from fermentation. Nothing is added to the must during its elaboration. This product harvested in Valleseco have been included in the brand Gran Canaria Gourmet, as well as other selected products from this island. You can buy this Cider in shops, restaurants and rural houses in Valleseco. It is also possible to find it in the cider destilery, where it is produced. From this natural product, vinegar and sparkling cider are also produced. In the International Wine and Spirits Awards 2021 held in Vitoria (Spain), these two varieties of cider, natural and sparkling, have received gold and silver medals. 

Productos Gran Valle/Valle Secreto
Tlf 928 61 80 22
[email protected]

In Valleseco, you can find another ecological cider producer, Sidra El Lagar de Valleseco, which makes natural, sparkling, sparkling half-dry and sparkling brut cider. He also sells vinegar made from natural cider. You can buy his products in the local shops and in the destilery (tlf. 616 552 267). In October 2020, this brand received the gold medal for the half-dry sparkling cider and the silver medal for the natural and sparkling brut varieties in the International Cider Contest “Salón de les Sidres de Gala” (Gijón, Asturias). This year this producer has obtained the silver and bronze medals to the sparkling brut and half-dry sparkling ciders, respectively. This year has also obtained the silver medal to his natural cider and gold medal to the sparkling brut and sparklilng cider in the International Wine and Spirits Awards, held in Vitoria (Spain).

Another local farmer is Bodegas FRP. They make different varieties, such as, natural, ecological, sparkling brut. They have also won awards in the “Internacional Salon of the Ciders Gala” (Gijón, Asturias) in 2023, such as a bronze medal for the natural cider and a silver medal for their sparkling brut cider. You can buy these products in the local shops, in the Ecological Market of Valleseco ,by e-mail [email protected] and by phone their number is 626 619 645. The Cider Destilery and the plantation are situated in El Prado, a place with spectacular views of La Virgen Ravine.

A new cider born in 2023, Tuscany, natural variety. Its name comes from the memories of a TV series and the vivid colours of its label transports us to that time. It is produced in a destilery, which is situated in the neighbourhood of Lanzarote, in an old house full of history. For orders call the telephone number 699 564 685.




The natural cider La Ruin is also made in Valleseco by the owners of the Restaurant El Rinconcito Canario, situated in the neighbourhood of Lanzarote. To try it it is necessary to go to this place, because it is not possible to buy it anywhere else.


The natural cider La Ruin is also made in Valleseco by the owners of the Restaurant El Rinconcito Canario, situated in the neighbourhood of Lanzarote. To try it it is necessary to go to this place, because it is not possible to buy it anywhere else.



From the nineties, the cheese factory Quesos Caseros from Valleseco has made different Quesos Caseros de Vallescotypes of cheese (soft, half cured and cured). They have received several prizes during these years. In 2011, the World Cheese Awards held in the United Kingdom gave them the Silver Medal in the category of half cured cheese made with pasteurized goat, cow and sheep milk. In 2011, in the Island Cheese Competition, they also obtained the first prize for their cured cheese made with pasteurized goat, cow and sheep milk and the second prize for their half cured cheese. Their cheese is included in the quality brand  Gran Canaria Gourmet.

Google maps


Handmade Cheese Factory Lomo El  Chorrito produces soft, cured and half cured cheese. The milk proceeds from their own animals (cows, goats and sheep), which gives their cheese a delicious taste. If you want to buy this product, you have only to go to this cheese factory  (tlf. 928 09 87 77/679 27 60 71), situated in Lomo de Madrelagua Street, number 43. Google maps







Handmade cheese factory Quesería artesanal Los Naranjeros makes soft cheese with milk from their own cows on their farm situated in the neighbourhood of Madrelagua. You can visit the factory calling the phone 626 999 129. Their products can also be bought in the factory, besides local shops and restaurants. They also sell door to door. Google maps



Naturalvalle is a local producer which makes traditional mojo sauce and jams. You can choose among different varieties (spicy or soft red “mojo”, green “mojo”, almond “mojo”, walnut “mojo”). He also makes jam from banana, mango, papaya, prickly pear, red prickly pear, apple. All these products can be found in the local shops. You can also phone to 649 381 475 or mail to [email protected].



Honey is another product made in the countryside, which is very well considered because of its nutritional and healthy properties. One local producer is the brand El Molinero, that makes floral honey. For several years, he has obtained prizes in regional tasting competitions. In 2017, he obtained a second position in the international competition “Mieladictos”, where different types of honey from Spain and Portugal were tasted. This product can be bought in local shops and in the phone number 608 642 409.





SUPERMERCADO SPAR (L-S 8:30-13:30/16:30-20:30) Google maps

CAFETERÍA MIS TENTACIONES  (7:00-14:00 L-V; 17:00-19:00 M;16:30-19:00 V; 8:00-13:00 S/D; L,Mx, J tarde cerrado  Google maps

COMESTIBLES LALO (10:30-15:30 L-D aprox; Closed On certain Saturdays ) Google maps

AUTOSERVICIO QUINTANA (8:00-13:30/16:30-20:00 L-V; 8:00-15:00 S) Google maps 

AUTOSERVICIO ELI (8:30-14:00/16:30-21:30 L-V; 8:00-14:00/17:00-21:30 S; 8:30-14:30 D y festivos) Google maps Google maps 


PANADERÍA GONZÁLEZ (hasta las 10:30)  Google maps  Google maps 

CARNICERÍA RIVERO VALLESECO (J 9:00-13:00/17:00-20:00; V,S 8:00-14:00/17:00-21:00) Google maps 

CARNICERÍA EL CATIRE (MX-S 7:30-14:00/16:00-21:00) Google maps

VIVEROS VALLESECO (L-V 9:00-13:00/15:00-18:00; S 9:00-14:00; D cerrado) Google maps


Productos Gran Valle/Valle Secreto Tlf 928 61 80 22 [email protected]