Gastrobar Sidrería Niebla

In the Ecological Market of Valleseco, you can find the Gastrobar Sidrería Niebla, which offers you breakfasts and lunches and, of course, different varieties of cider produced by them, Bodega FRP. On Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays and Bank holidays from 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.

For breakfast, you can enjoy rolls of "tortilla" with apple "ali-oli", toasted bread with mushrooms, avocado or "jamón ibérico", organic coffee, homemade cakes low in sugar, etc.

For lunch, you can choose to grill many kinds of meat, such as ribs with cider.

And do not forget their variety of cakes such as carrot cake, Principe Alberto cake, red velvet cake or apple pie.

Reservation is required, especially at the weekends.

Situation in Google Map





Mercado Ecológico de Valleseco (junto al Museo etnográfico) C/Párroco José Hdez. Acosta, 11
636613106 - 675755537
Opening hours:Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays Cafe bar and restaurant: 09:00 - 17:00.