Angel Rosario Hernández : Stone Sculptor

While extracting stone at the Arucas quarry, Angel Rosario Hernandez watched the work of journeymen who carved the material. From them he learned his trade. After 15 years working in the quarries of Arucas, he established himself as an independent craftsman, taking full advantage of his gift of drawing that he had cultivated since his childhood. Blue stone from the Arucas quarry, yellow or red Ayagaures or brown Moya are the raw materials where this artisan sculpts his ideas. His motto is "if you can think it, I can do it." A highlight, among his many works, is a gargoyle named "Diablo petrificado" (Petrified Devil) which won 2nd Prize for excellence in craftsmanship in 2005 by the Government of the Canary Islands. Other contributions are the rosetones in the columns surrounding the Plaza de Santa Ana in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, a sculpture of the Risen Christ that is found in the convent Cister de Teror, the reproduction of the Piedad de Miguel Angel and numerous pieces for institutions and individuals. He takes part in fairs such as the Fiestas de la Manzana in Valleseco or in the popular Christmas Fair in San Telmo in the capital. His workshop is located in the neighborhood of Zumacal, although it is advisable to telephone before visiting 928 63 26 20.

928 63 26 20