Directory of Valleseco

  • The roots of our customs and the folklore of our land is represented by folk music groups:

    • Parranda Los Paperos (C/Cura Caballero, s/n, tlf. 928-631963)
    • Grupo de Baile de Zumacal (tlf. 928-630319/928-630555)
    • Grupo Folklórico Abenechara (tlf. 928-618127/928-618260)
    • Agrupación Folklórica “San Vicente Ferrer” (tlf. 928-61 83 00/61 80 22)
  • Situated in the Valleseco Ecological Market, you have the choice of different courses for lunch and dinner.

  • Opened to the public on 25th January 2013, this new building has been baptized Don Juan Díaz Rodríguez. This neighbour of Valleseco, born in Barranco de la Virgen, was an illustrious person ...

  • Valleseco is a lovely green region of Gran Canaria, located 7 kms. center-north of Teror and 28 kms. from the capital. It is formed by two main canyons: Barranco de la Virgen and Barranco de Madrelagua, and a not so "Seco" (dry) central valley ("valle"), for which receives its paradoxical name the town.

  • The laurel forest is one of the more diverse ecosystems of our island and which hosts a wealth of interesting endemic faunal. Species that require more moisture refuge in shady areas, hidden under leaves, rocks or logs: earthworms, slugs, snails, spiders, myriapods ... Among insects abundant endemic beetles, earwigs, pseudoescorpiones, grasshoppers , bees and butterflies and moths. Among vertebrates are the birds, reptiles and shrews.

    Photos Galleries of birds found in Valleseco 

  • The main ethnographic elements that can be found in the town revolves around the use of water (aquaduct, ponds, sinks, mills, wells or galleries) and farms (houses, yards, caves or Alpendre).

  • Located within the Rural Park Doramas, the recreational area of La Laguna is an area of great scenic beauty formed by a large volcanic caldera covered inside by vegetation and laurel trees...The Recreation Area is equipped with facilities for BBQ cooking, running water, and tables and benches for outdoor eating under the large chestnut trees. To use the facilities for large groups you need to call ahead to the City of Valleseco (928 61 80 22) to request permission...

  • Excellent food, cozy and elegant, with amazing views, and easy parking.

  • Juan González García is a young craftsman who always applies his aesthetic sensibility and know how to his carpentry. He comes from a family of several artisans, with whom he worked for many years until he established his own workshop and now specializes in restoring antique furniture.

  • The valley EL Barranco de la Virgen, with its natural landscape is one of the main valleys, which cross the town Valleseco. Because it is surrounded by high mountains, it is in this area where the sound of silence to can still be heard. You can came to this valley it from the Valleseco town center by the GC-305, which leads you to the first section of Valsendero and then continues across the ravine is the last stretch then it's on to the nearby town of Firgas.

  • Leaving the most populated part of town, just a few kilometres from the Valleseco downtown, is the site of the Cortijo Calderetas which you can get to by walking a short distance from the off the main road. This beautiful landscape was formed by a large volcanic caldera which gave life to the surrounding chestnut, elm and pine trees.

  • Osorio Peak is a natural viewpoint from which you can see the north of the island...